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November 16, 2009


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I never pray on a golf course. Actually, the Lord answers my prayers everywhere except on the course. ~ Billy Graham


I dont like the sound of the shoot to kill mandate. but I cant see any football fan being stupid enough to brandish a gun anyhow. Let's hope the world cup is a massive success and the fans do come with their hearts open and enjoy the hospitality and beauty of South Africa.

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It is surly the best World Cup ever in the meaning of media, networking, internet and news coverage, a great fun!


Congrats to South Africa for hosting a wonderfull World Cup 2010, It's been a pleasure to see the african culture. enthusiasm and hospitality.

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I will say this in closing. If anyone hates these people it is also sin, and by your hate you bring yourself down to the same level with those who oppose the Lord. It is easy to hate someone, but very hard to love someone who comes against you and your Father. I choose love for Christ and all his people. Does this mean we have roll over and play dead because this law was over turned? Not at all.

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