Africa Action is a national organization that works for political, economic and social justice in Africa. Through the provision of accessible information and analysis combined with the mobilization of public pressure we work to change the policies and policy-making processes of U.S. and multinational institutions toward Africa.
In July 2008, we introduced a brand-new weblog - Just Africa. Over the coming days and months, we hope to use this space to generate public dialogue and pursue our mission of promoting social, political and economic justice in U.S.-Africa relations in three specific ways:
1. Countering racist, negative portrayals of Africans as mere victims of history, culture or globalization without agency or dignity.
2. Promoting the views and voices of our allies in Africa and the diaspora.
3. Drawing attention to strong analysis and challenging misguided framing by other individuals and organizations on topical social justice and human rights issues outside our three main campaign areas.
This space will be maintained by Africa Action staff and interns, although we may invite others to make guest contributions at opportune moments. Please check out not just our postings, but also photos from Africa Action events at our Flickr page and the links in our blogroll for more sources of information on the issues we all care about. As always, all of our organizational statements, reports, action alerts and other advocacy resources are available at
We'd love to hear your feedback on Just Africa through the "Comments" section of each post. All discussion is welcome, just please keep things respectful and relevant.